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Megahome water distiller

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Megahome Water Distillers give you drinking water that is absolutely pure water

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Megahome distiler

Megahome Water Distillers give you drinking water that is absolutely pure water - no contaminants, no pollutants, nothing that can do you any harm. Almost all tap water contains contaminants. But only distillation creates absolutely pure water. Water distillers are more effective that carbon water filters or reverse osmosis. Distilled water is cleaner than RO water because ALL impurities are removed including chlorine, antibiotics, fertilizers, pesticides, bacteria, viruses and hard water minerals.

  • Water distillers create the purest drinking water purer then filtered or RO water or filtered water.
  • Distilled water has improved hydration.
  • Distilled water tastes clean.
  • Improves the health and appearance of your hair and skin.
  • Saves you money compared to bottled water; distilled water costs about 9p per liter to produce.

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Additional Information

Country of manufacture Taiwan
Shipping from Croatia
Warranty 7 years
Technical data
  • Color: White/ Inox-White / Inox-Black
  • Heater: 580 W
  • Distillation process: ~5h 20 min
  • Capacity: 4 liter
  • Power consumption per 4 liters: up to 3 kW
  • Dimensions: 235 * 235 * 360 mm
  • Glass jug dimensions: 200 * 200 * 200 mm
  • Weight: 3,5 kg
Megahome distiler<

Product Questions

Confirm that glass jug is in the package and shipping price to Greece?
Yes, glass jug is in the package as it is detailed in additional info tab. Shipping to Greece is currently 35 €.
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Your Megahome priced 270 Euros is the 316 model?
No, the model offered to automatically add to cart is SS304 model. But we added a 30€more option for the SS316 model from now on.
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What is included in the package?
For any model, 304 or 316, white black or silver, everything is included in the package - meaning glass jug, filters, residue cleaner. No need for additional parts but they are listed for later ordering or ordering with the unit extra immediately.
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Customer Reviews

  • Price
  • top!
    Review by Kristijan radost prirode on 13/12/2024
    koristim svakodnevno dva megahom destilatora već dugi niz godina. imao sam i destilatore drugih proizvođača, ali megahom se pokazao najpouzdaniji. prvi koji imam oko 15 godina jenom je bio na servisu, mijenjala se gumena brtva jer je na dnu uređaja ostajalo malo vode, drugi imam sigurno 6-7 godina i još nije bilo nikakvih problema. ponavljam, oba rade svaki dan, često i po dvije destilacije. top proizvod!!!
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  • izvrstan
    Review by Emina on 30/03/2022
    Destilator vode je jedna od najboljih stvari koje imam u kuhinji. lifeenergy općenito ima izvrsnu paletu proizvoda po najkorektnijim cijenama. Samo tako nastavite, super!
  • Price
  • Fantastičan
    Review by Željana čerina on 17/12/2020
    Definitivno najbolja stvar koja nam je ušla u kuću. Postaje nam malo 1 destilacija dnevno!
  • Price
  • vrlo dobar
    Review by petar on 16/03/2020
    Odličan proizvod po povoljnoj cijeni. naručen je crni, ali nije bilo više pa sam se zadovoljio bijelim.
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